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Who We Are

The Guadalupe County Democratic Club is a diverse group of people dedicated to supporting democracy. We're working to turn Texas blue by volunteering in our communities, registering people to vote, and providing local election support and information.

We support free and fair elections, protecting Texans' right to vote, women's rights to make their own healthcare decisions, equal justice for minorities, economic security for our community, and protecting our environment!

We are an inclusive and welcoming club that serves to further the values and ideals of the Democratic Party in our county, and acts as a support for the Guadalupe County Democratic Party and its officials. We work to plan opportunities for visibility, outreach, and service in our communities. 

We often have local speakers, candidates, or elected officials come talk to/with us about topics such as:

  • what's happening in their areas of government,
  • how to grow the Democratic vote in our county,
  • what we can do as a club to support current efforts or assist with campaigns. 

The Guadalupe County Democratic Club
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