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Sites Supporting Democracy

Are you interested in supporting democracy, but have questions, or don't know where to start? Here are some sites worth checking out:

Headcount –

We get people registered to vote and interested in democracy. We're at concerts, festivals, community events — anywhere we can translate the power of music and culture into real action. A non-partisan organization that uses the power of music to register voters and promote participation in democracy. We reach young people and music fans where they already are - at concerts and online - to inform and empower.


When We All Vote –

A leading national, nonpartisan initiative (created by Michelle Obama) on a mission to change the culture around voting and to increase participation in each and every election by helping to close the race and age gap. We bring together individuals, institutions, brands, and organizations to register new voters across the country and advance civic education for the entire family and voters of every age to build an informed and engaged electorate for today and generations to come. 


NextGen America –

The nation’s largest youth voting organization, using innovative digital and field strategies to turn out young voters in key states.  We’re empowering the largest and most diverse generation in American history through voter education, registration and mobilization. By working with young people across the country, we’re shaping a government that respects us, reflects us, and represents us — not just for an election cycle but for generations to come.


Voters of Tomorrow –

Founded in 2019 by then 17-year-old Mexican immigrant Santiago Mayer, Voters of Tomorrow  is a political movement for young people and by young people.  Too many politicians have failed our generation by putting their futures over ours. We’re taking things into our own hands. We’re taking the issues Gen Z cares about most into the rooms where decisions get made.


Field Team 6 –

Register Democrats. Save the World. We do this by conducting proudly partisan voter drives in the most flippable states nationwide, where Democrats are needed most. Our efforts are laser-focused on registering young people, women, and people of color.

The Guadalupe County Democratic Club
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